Other news, yes, we had a predicament earlier this week. Several spiders have been spotted around the house. 1 under maddox's crib, 1 under his changing pad and a couple in the hallway around his room. Some said brown recluse, but I'm no biology major. Really the only thing I am when it comes to spiders is a wuss major. I don't like them. They don't like me. But now that I'm a dad, and a husband, certain things are expected of me. So I killed them. I also called pest control services , and the price range for their mercenary services came in around $600 for Orkin and about the same for their local competition. No joke. So, for the record, I'm also a cheap-ass... so we sacrificed a little safety and well being by me taking matters into my own hands. I went to Lowe's and bought some stuff and already have found 2 spiders dead and no traces of their buddies anywhere. Scoreboard: Cody 4, Spiders 0. Deal with it spiders!
Maddox news, he's gotten so big. Almost 1 year old now. Where has the time gone? Here's a quick hit of his likes and dislikes.
- Socks (preferably mine)
- Cars. He likes to push them all around the house.
- Balls. He can actually throw the balls to me know. He's been able to for the past few weeks. He's an animal. So far, he can throw a ball at about 2 miles/hour, but I expect this to increase with time.
- Swinging with dada or mama on a big boy swing. (Infant swing works too, but he likes it if we are with him.)
- Sliding down the slide with dada or mama, then climbing back up the slide on his own.
- Funny faces Nicole and I make at him.
- Cheese crackers.
- Handing us toys and grunting.
- Being on my shoulders while I'm moving around.
- Being left at daycare.
- Falling face first onto a hard surface (at daycare). Get it together Children's Choice!
- Fear of failure? Really, he's been great lately, so I'm out of dislikes so this one and the following ones are just fluff.
- Fear itself.
- Monsters.
- New York Yankees.
- Man-eating sharks.
- Disappointment.
- Gas prices.
That's all for now. Here's an update on the pictures. Hang in there... there's a lot of them.