Since we have both decided to continue working and money-making, Nicole and I found ourselves hot in search for a day spa for Goose this past week. Our theory is that the more money we make, the more trinkets we can buy Goose, thus creating a happy baby and ultimately, a non-crying baby. I personally see no flaws in this theory, but if you do, feel free to enlighten me. So anyway, we focused our search on some of the day cares around our house and around Nicole's work, since they are pretty close together. At about the 3rd or 4th stop on our search, we came to a harsh reality... these day cares really suck! Exhibit A would be the picture above that shows a day care right across the street from a tattoo parlor. On paper it looked okay, but in real life... right across the street from a tattoo parlor? Are you serious? Needless to say, Nicole had already struck it from her list before I fully comprehended what was happening. You could say she thinks just a bit quicker than me. Must be the Texan in me. So given that we would prefer not to have our baby all inked up with navy anchors, naked mermades, flying bald eagles or confederate flags, we decided to move on. Although the thought of a heart tattoo with the word "Mother" on there does sound funny.
So after a fairly extensive search, we decided on a place called Children's Choice Daycare. I have included a link over in the link section for anybody that wants to look at the place. It is a chain, so they have locations all over, but I would imagine they all look very similar. It is right infront of a hospital, and quite a distance from any tattoo parlors, so it checks out in my book. They currently have us on a waiting list (6 - 9 months long) so it isn't official yet, but hopefully it will be soon. Nicole and I both really like the place and are set to take a tour Thursday morning. Once Nicole gives it the okay, our search should be finished. I know Goose will like it, and if not, I have pictures proving things could be worse.
Also, stay tuned because later this week Nicole and I find out whether I'm going to be a father or a mother. Wait... I meant, we find out if this thing is a boy or a girl. I'm especially excited because I finally get to stop writing all the hims/hers and its. Thurday is the day, so it will probably be on this blog no later than Friday. One thing I've found out about both sides of our family is that word travels fast. Real fast. So let me also say... if anybody finds out if it is a boy or girl before noon on Thursday, please clue me in. And for what its worth, my money is on boy. I'm sure Nicole's is on girl. Make your picks if you like... winners get nothing, losers get dirty diapers and crying baby voice mails. Till Thursday...
So the Children's Choice Daycare center is better than the joint across from the tattoo parlor? Elitist jerks!!
Tattoo Parlor near a daycare? How convenient.
Why do you two keep pushing the issue of a daycare when you know I'm coming to visit for the next THIRTEEN YEARS!
Countdown clock rocks...I cant believe we are 143 days away. I think i just threw up in my mouth a little...
I believe it may be a boy, because of the loud heart beat. I can't wait to find out.
I noticed on the dayspa website that the place you picked appears to have a monopoly on Vegas casinos...so maybe your baby won't be getting any tats...but it looks like you have it set up for time share at the tables.
That's funny. I didn't even notice all the casino locations. C'mon... baby needs a new pair of shoes!
Well said.
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